大項目 | 小項目 | 領域 | 申請タイトル(日本語) | PDU数 |
Education / 教育 | 読書 | Technical | グーグルに学ぶディープラーニング | 4.0 |
Education / 教育 | 読書 | Technical | APIエコノミー 勝ち組企業が取り組むAPIファースト | 4.0 |
Education / 教育 | 読書 | Leadership | 幸之助論 -「経営の神様」松下幸之助の物語 | 12.0 |
Education / 教育 | 読書 | Leadership | 完訳 7つの習慣 人格主義の回復 | 10.0 |
Education / 教育 | 読書 | Leadership | insight – いまの自分を正しく知り、仕事と人生を劇的に変える自己認識の力 | 6.0 |
Education / 教育 | 読書 | Leadership | アンガーマネジメント | 1.5 |
Education / 教育 | 読書 | Strategic | ザ・ゴール – 企業の究極の目的とは何か | 4.0 |
Education / 教育 | 読書 | Strategic | サーキュラー・エコノミー 企業がやるべきSDGs実践の書 | 5.0 |
Give Back / ギブバック | 実務者としての仕事 | – | プロジェクトマネージャー経験 | 8.0 |
Give Back / ギブバック | コンテンツ作成 (ブログ) | – | 3週間でPMPに合格した方法 | 3.0 |
Give Back / ギブバック | コンテンツ作成 (ブログ) | – | 【PMP受験申請】【2021年】通過した英語の職務経歴書をご紹介 | 2.5 |
Education / 教育
ActivityTitle: Deep Learning with Google
A Google engineer answers the question of how artificial intelligence, and in particular deep learning, will be used in business in the future and how it will change the world.
Deep learning is a type of machine learning that mimics the neural structure of the human brain. Its main feature is that, given a large amount of data, it is possible to build complex processing functions, such as image recognition and machine translation, using relatively simple techniques without humans having to give them a way to process the data.
Google’s example
A number of services are already using deep learning. For example, “Gmail” uses deep learning to identify unwanted emails. It has also made a significant contribution to improving the quality of translation in Google Translate. In addition, the company’s data centre uses deep learning to optimise the settings of its cooling equipment, which has resulted in a significant reduction in power consumption.
Google now and in the future
One of the areas where deep learning is being used is in image recognition. Google Photos, which stores images and videos, can already classify photos by the people in them, as well as by events such as Christmas and birthdays. Google is now taking this image recognition a step further and is working on recognising line drawings that people have drawn by hand, as well as image recognition for videos, such as lip reading.
What Google has to offer
Google provides a machine learning API (application programming interface), which is a pre-trained model for machine learning, and a machine learning library, TensorFlow, to enable both its own and external companies to use deep learning technology. TensorFlow is a machine learning library. The machine learning API provides functions such as image recognition, speech recognition and natural language processing. TensorFlow also allows users to build application-specific deep learning mechanisms on Google’s cloud platform by writing simple code in the Python language, without any specialist knowledge.
Image recognition use cases
One of the main areas of application is image recognition through deep learning. For example, a construction company is using deep learning to estimate data such as the hardness of rock for tunneling. By learning from a large number of photos of excavation sites, the company is able to determine the properties of the rock even when there are no experts on site.
A used car company also uses Google’s Tensorflow to recognise photos of used cars. The system automatically categorises the parts of the car that appear in the photo, such as the front, side and interior, to streamline the process of registering photos on used car sales websites. However, the automatic classification of these photos was made possible through a series of trial and error processes. At first, the system was unable to identify even the most basic of vehicles, such as whether they were facing left or right. Now, however, the system can even automatically identify the model of some vehicles.
In concrete terms, we have identified four types of data that can be used in deep learning: images, text, voice and sensors, and three objectives: reducing costs, adding value and creating new business opportunities, and improving creativity. The development of systems through machine learning, such as deep learning, is different from the traditional ones. The key to its use is to recognise the characteristics that allow results from one field to be “transferred” to other fields.
ActivityTitle: The API Economy -Winning companies work API first-
APIs make business processes much more efficient and faster. A very effective way to improve not only business efficiency but also management efficiency.
The most familiar example of an API is the display of Google Maps, which can now be found on many websites. This is possible because Google has opened its API for Google Maps to the public.
In other countries, APIs are already being actively used and a huge economic zone, the “API economy”, is spreading. Of course, there are many challenges, such as the lack of a unified global standard. However, these trends offer us a unique opportunity
New services
The importance of APIs will only increase in the future, as they can dramatically improve business efficiency.
For example, Uber’s matching service between passengers and drivers requires functions such as “maps”, “payments” and “communication tools”. Uber covers these functions with APIs provided by other companies. Notably, Uber’s API is a “complete third-party service” – Google Maps is the map function built into Uber. Uber’s built-in map function is “Google Maps” – it’s another company’s service (Google Maps) as one of the building blocks of its own service (Uber).
APIs have the potential to realize the formula “existing services + existing services = new services”. This is because by combining existing services, it will be possible to launch new businesses without having to create them from scratch. In the future, those who realise the importance of APIs and are able to use them will be the ones who succeed.
Human beings grow through hardships and setbacks. Growth is the path to leadership on a larger scale as a manager.
Personal growth is nurtured by the changes of the times. Personal growth is nurtured in the changing times, and it is important to develop the intelligence to understand how growth is embedded in the times.
What we need to learn:
・To think for ourselves, based on experience
・To be exposed to the ideas of our predecessors.
・The most important thing is to use your own words when verbalising your ideas.
The most important thing:
To have an honest heart. Do not act on your own knowledge.
No matter who you are talking to, if you always listen with humility and expect to learn something, you will gain unexpected knowledge.
A unique view of profit:
Making a profit is a sign of service and contribution to society.
The goal of our business:
To serve society by producing products that are affordable to the masses.
It is not about developing the economy and technology.
Profit is necessary to generate funds for new technology and factory construction.
There is no contradiction between social contribution and the view of profit.
The mission of management:
The mission of management is to satisfy human needs and to improve the quality of life.
To improve the quality of life of the people.
About the hardship:
In Konosuke’s case, hardship was the source of his greatness.
His life of tragedy taught him that he could survive beyond failure and that he could take risks.
ActivityTitle: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
In our relationships with others, it is important to change from dependence to independence. And it is important to change to interdependence.
Focus on changing the paradigm of how we look at things from the inside out.
In other words, we have the one with the issues and problems, not the others.
To do this, we need to implement and master the following seven habits in order.
1st habit: To be proactive.
Work on what we can control.
Don’t justify our shortcomings. When we make a mistake, admit it immediately, correct it, and learn from it. And take responsibility for what happens.
Do not blame others for their shortcomings, and do not blame others for our mistakes.
2nd habit: Start by envisioning the end
Be clear about our destination (how we want to be at the moment of death).
Write a mission statement for our life as we own a constitution.
3rd habit: Prioritize our top priorities
The key to effective personal management is to spend time on things that are not urgent but are important (the second area).
Think about efficiency when using our own time, and think about effectiveness when delegating to others.
4th habit: Think win-win.
Listen carefully and try to understand the other person deeply in order to build a trusting relationship. Take the time to communicate with others.
Put ourselves in the other person’s shoes and think about what kind of outcome we want.
Be sincere.
5th habit: Understand first, and then be understood.
When talking with someone, don’t panic if a problem arises, but try to understand the problem first. Put aside our own thoughts and preconceived notions and try to understand the other person’s story deeply. Understand the deepest part of the other person’s inner world.
Empathize and try to understand. See the other person’s world from their perspective.
6th habit: Create synergy.
Respect each other and find a way to exceed each other’s ideas, rather than finding a compromise.
7th habit: Sharpen our blade.
Prioritize and sharpen our strength in things that we don’t currently do, but which, if done on a regular basis, would have significant positive consequences in our life.
→Being able to remain calm
→Manage and continue to learn
→Read excellent literature
→Books that broaden our cultural horizons
・Social, Emotional
→Good relationships
→Serving and being helpful to others.
→Making a meaningful contribution to the world
ActivityTitle: Insight: The Surprising Truth About How Others See Us, How We See Ourselves, and Why the Answers Matter More Than We Think
How to introspect;
Ask “what”, not “why”.
For example: what do you want to do, what do you like?
The “why” question locks you into the past.
The “what” questions help us to create a better future.
How to understand yourself in the present;
Reframing:Look at your situation, behaviour and relationships from a new and different angle to discover the problem. When things are tough, look for opportunities; when you think things are going well, look for potential risks. It is important to look at the good and the bad from multiple angles.Compare and contrast: Look for similarities and differences in your past experiences, thoughts, feelings and actions.
Methods of internal self-awareness;
1. values: the guiding principles that guide us
→What do we value?
2: Passion: what we do with love
→What do you feel passionate about?
3: Desires: what you want to experience and achieve.
4. fit: where you need to be in order to be happy and give your all.
5. patterns: consistent tendencies in thoughts, feelings and behaviour.
→What you don’t like to be hurt by
6 Reactions: thoughts, feelings and actions that tell us about our strengths and weaknesses
7. impact: how your actions are perceived by others
Characteristics of people with low self-awareness that need to be addressed 3 pattern;
Internal self-awareness and external self-awareness can both be low and cause problems. It is important to maintain a good balance between both by deepening self-reflection and actively taking in the perspectives of others.
1. internal self-awareness: high external self-awareness: low
Referred to as “introverts”, they have a good understanding of their own inner world. On the other hand, they are not willing to take on board other people’s opinions and feedback, which makes them insensitive and unaware of the way other people think and feel.
This can lead to a lack of respect for other people’s feelings, even if they don’t mean to, or to a lack of understanding of the evaluator’s point of view, which can lead to misdirected efforts.
2. internal self-awareness: low external self-awareness: high
They are more likely to be “all-rounders”, meaning that they only care about what pleases others and miss out on what is important to them.
For example, they may be unclear about what they really want to do, but choose careers based on what others want them to do, which can lead to a lack of fulfilment.
On the other hand, they are fully aware of other people’s perspectives and therefore have less trouble with those around them.
3. internal self-awareness: low external self-awareness: low
People with low internal and external self-awareness are called “explorers” and do not know themselves or what others see in them.
They may not be able to perform as well as they would like, and may often suffer from problems in their relationships.
ActivityTitle: Anger Management
Anger itself is not bad, but how you handle it and how you express it is more important. We need to be able to identify what we need to be angry about and what we don’t need to be angry about.
And when you do need to be angry, you need to be able to be angry in the right way.
Key ideas;
1. core beliefs
Your non-negotiable values, beliefs and convictions. What you think you should do.
2. primary emotions and anger
There are primary emotions behind anger and it is important to communicate them.
Primary emotions: anxiety, distress, pain, etc.
3. should thinking
Tell the person what you want them to do, not what you think they should do, and how you feel.
Anger management coping strategies;
1. quantify your anger
2. say something that calms you down. →Life is a waste of time.
3. count backwards, e.g. 100 to 97
4. stop thinking
5. take a deep breath
6. use your senses
7. change your language. Understand the words you are using.
ActivityTitle: The Goal
The goal of a company is to keep making money.
And there are three indicators that can be used to check the achievement of the goal.
Throughput: the rate at which money is created through sales
Inventory: all the money invested in buying things.
Cost of Operations: Money spent to turn inventory into throughput.
In addition, since it is the bottleneck resources that determine the production capacity, it is important to find the bottleneck and repeatedly improve it.
There are two ways to utilize bottlenecks
1. to eliminate time wastage at bottlenecks in every way possible
2. to increase production capacity by reducing the load on the bottleneck.
ActivityTitle: The Circular Economy
Recycling is based on the premise that waste is produced, but circulars are based on the premise that neither waste nor pollution is produced.
Against the backdrop of resource depletion due to population growth, society is demanding the importance and efforts of a circular economy.
In this context, the manufacturing industry is required to make the following changes.
As-Is: Manufacturing with systematic deterioration to encourage high-frequency purchases.
To-Be: High durability and high maintainability are important because there is no need to stimulate purchase.
Some examples are as follows.
NIKE, Adidas: Resource recovery and recycling
DAIKIN, Electrolux: Providing products as a service, etc.
Give Back / ギブバック
ActivityTitle: Project Manager
1. Project Objective & my role and responsibilities on this project I was in charge of the project manager of Reservation system deployment for vaccination of COVID-19 in our office and development “Data collection” and “Progress check system” of Vaccination status for each employee.
2. Main Deliverables The main deliverables were the Project Charter, Schedule Develop, Cost Management, Consider System Architecture, Project Management Plan, Stakeholder Register, etc.
3. Outcome & Result
This project had so many stakeholders (Human resource & Labor, General affairs for 35 Group companies, etc).
And the delivery date was very short because our top management required quick and agile actions.
So, I stood between each stakeholder (Product Manager of each Business department & Software Vendor)and support them so that the project can proceed smoothly and speedily.
Then I had been done by actively and promptly communicating, we were able to fully satisfy the requirements of each stakeholder.
As a result of this project was succeeded as scheduled plan and cost.
ActivityTitle: How I passed PMP in 3 Weeks [New Exam in 2021] [Online Exam]
Its Blog explains as below.
1. Why I tried to get PMP.
2. How to learn PMP knowledge.
3. My impressions for PMP exam and learn.
ActivityTitle: [PMP Exam Application] [2021] English job resume that passed.
Its Blog shows my Job resume in English that passed PMP certification.
I hope to help someone who will get PMP Exam with this information.